Publsihed Articles
- “A Nishitanian Ethics of Sympathy,” The Journal of East Asian Philosophy.
- Translation from Japanese to English of Nishida Kitarō’s “On Descartes’s Philosophy,” (Under Review)
- Peer-reviewed
- “Intersubjectivity as Openness and Expression: A Deleuzian Approach to Intersubjectivity,” Boston College Philosophy Graduate Conference, March 2021.
- “Nishitani’s Concept of Absolute Autonomy,” European Network of Japanese Philosophers Conference, September 2023.
- “A Nishitanian Ethics of Sympathy,” International Society for East Asian Philosophy Conference, September 2023.
- “Black Experience Interpreted as Species: Frantz Fanon and Tanabe Hajime,” Philosophy of the Black Experience Conference, March 2024.
- Invited Talks
- “ Nishitani Keiji’s Ethics of Mysticism,” Nishitani Keiji Workshop on the Philosophy of Religion, May 2023.
- “The Reality of Doubt: Nishida’s Rereading of Descartes and His Legacy,” Nishida’s Philosophy Permanent Seminar, Nov 2023.